When we moved here from South Carolina about 5 years ago, I was lost and didn’t have any friends. When I visited VRSM and was welcomed with a warm smile, I felt like I had found a second home. Christ has really changed my life through the meaningful discussions and wonderful community I have experienced at VRSM. It truly is a life-changing group!
I love VRSM because everyone there loves one another like family. The whole ministry is very inclusive and all the leaders are easy to talk to in times of struggle and are there to support you when you succeed. I have made some of my best friends through the ministry and also been able to watch each other grow in Christ and grow together, which has been one of my favorite things since joining the ministry!
VRSM has helped me grow spiritually by showing me what it’s like to love Jesus and love others, but also how to put that into practice by serving the community and laughing together. My relationship with Jesus would not be as strong as it is today without VRSM and the many people and leaders who have invested in me.
VRSM has shown me the purpose and joy found in having Godly community. Being able to walk alongside such a great group of people has made it easier to be bold and grow in my faith. The people here are so special and their love for the Lord is evident by how they love others and invite them into our student ministry. VRSM has taught me how to pursue a deeper faith and seek Christ above all other things.


En VRBC, nos preocupamos por las personas, ¡asà que hay algo para todos!
Ya sea que sea un adulto joven o mayor, soltero o casado con hijos, se sentirá alentado por la auténtica comunidad que tenemos en VRBC. Puedes visitarlo tantas veces como quieras sin compromiso ni presión. Y quién sabe, ¡quizás decidas hacer de VRBC tu nueva iglesia como hogar! Mientras planifica su visita, aquà hay algunas cosas que debe saber.

ESTACIONAMIENTO: Cuando ingrese a la propiedad de la iglesia en Belt Line Road, encontrará lugares de estacionamiento con franjas verdes en el lado norte del campus para los visitantes primerizos.

North Entrance

South Entrance
En VRBC, nos preocupamos por las personas, ¡asà que hay algo para todos!
Ya sea que sea un adulto joven o mayor, soltero o casado con hijos, se sentirá alentado por la auténtica comunidad que tenemos en VRBC. Puedes visitarlo tantas veces como quieras sin compromiso ni presión. Y quién sabe, ¡quizás decidas hacer de VRBC tu nueva iglesia como hogar! Mientras planifica su visita, aquà hay algunas cosas que debe saber.

CENTRO DE BIENVENIDA: Cuando entre al edificio, dirÃjase al Centro de Bienvenida. Está en el medio del vestÃbulo principal. Tendremos un regalo para usted, asà como la oportunidad de que nuestro Equipo de Bienvenida lo ayude a presentarle la iglesia.
Our worship center is located on the east side of the building and is easily accessible from both the north and south entrances to campus.
For more information about Grow Groups, worship services, or anything VRBC-related, make sure to ask one of our friendly Welcome Ministry volunteers. Just look for the red shirts!