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What to Expect

When you arrive, enter through the north entrance and the VRKids wing will be on your right. One of our friendly volunteer staff will greet you and guide you through the process of getting your information into our database system and your children (newborns – 5th grade) checked in. You and your children will be guided to their age-appropriate classroom where any special instructions (allergies, special needs, etc.) for your child can be shared with our loving and caring age-group leaders.


Our environments and lesson materials are designed for the various age levels of your children and are presented in a way they can best understand. Every child is special so we will work with you to decide the best environment for your child.

Parent Interaction

We desire to see the next generation of kids have a strong and lifelong faith, so we help equip parents to become more and more intentional about the spiritual formation of their children. We believe this spiritual formation begins at home and can never be started too early or too late in childhood.

A Safe and Clean Environment

At VRKids we work hard to ensure a clean and safe environment for all age groups. Toys and furnishings are cleaned and disinfected regularly and often and special effort is made by our staff to facilitate the safest environment possible.


We value the safety of your children and go the extra mile to make sure your children are in a secure environment. Every child’s name tag is matched to a parent-identification number, and every volunteer is background-checked. All volunteers must also complete and pass a sexual abuse training course. In addition, every hallway is monitored by security personnel.


We celebrate those who serve in one of our VRKids environments and the privilege is not just for the adults; we encourage many of our older kids and youth to serve as well. We offer serving opportunities at every age group and every effort is made to ensure that every volunteer is confidently equipped, trained, communicated to, and appreciated.


At VRKids, we believe the most amazing book in the world is the Bible, and we love to share how awesome God’s word is to your kids in a fun and creative way. Kids experience God’s word through interactive small group and large group settings aimed at helping kids understand that God loves them, He desires to be their friend and that He has a special plan for their lives.


Our approach is for your children to build meaningful relationships within the small group setting as they relate to their leader and other kids in the group. As families commit to attending the same service each week, children are placed in a group of familiar faces where relationships can grow.

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